MPH Internship Database

MPH Internship Database

Please note that these are not current internship postings. This database represents a history of Master of Public Health student internships. For current internship opportunities, please visit CareerLink

Best Practices Guidelines: 

  • Do not solicit internships from the internship coordinator. 
  • If you are interested in pursuing a previous internship opportunity, please reach out to our career development director. 
  • You may reach out to a former student, but please be polite and courteous. They are helping you by sharing their experience. 

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665 results found

Organization Conc. Internship Focus City Preceptor Student
Riggs community Health Center Epidemiology Track quantitative results of changes to imporve a number of challenges as well as program creation in healthcare technology interface. Lafayette Dr. Stout Christopher Bosma
IU School of Medicine Epidemiology Utilize social media as a recruiting platform for a study to identify environmental risks associated with autoimmune hepatitis and reporting fundamental social recruitment strategies and application to data collection. Indianapolis Craig Lammert Megan Comerford
Indiana State Dept. of Health\ Epidemiology Participate and investigate cluster and outbreak salmonella cases as a member of IU-SERT. Indianapolis Tess Gorden Allison Forkner
Eskenazi Hospital- Infection Control Epidemiology Conduct observational audits of health care worker compliance of hand hygien, personal protective equipment use, and environmental cleaning. Indianapolis Lynae Granzow-Kibiger Lindsay Joy
Eli Lilly and Co. Epidemiology Understand and apply epidemiologic methods through development of a study protocol. Indianapolis Bradley Curtis Sarah Curtis
Franciscan ACO Health Policy & Mgmt. Analyze data and policies and create reports. Indianapolis Courtney Bertrand Matthew Mawhorr
Brothers United Inc. Epidemiology Create a database visualizing the impact the qagency has on Indianapolis and who they truly serve. Analyze data based on the database and create a report. Indianapolis Larry Jimison Allison Sanders
Maternal & Child Health Division- ISDH Epidemiology Design and conduct a survey and develop a data management system Indianapolis Jeena Siela Fausta Houzanme
Indiana State Dept. of Health Epidemiology Identify trends in disease prevalence and underlying factors, complete outbreak reports, develop an education and training plan to increase disease reporting and immunization registry use. Indianapolis Mugdha Golwalkar Taryn Stevens
Indiana State Dept. of Health Epidemiology Indianapolis Nona Mahari Rachel Foster